Ap european history multiple choice questions
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
But I Dont Have Clips
Be that as it may, I Dont Have Clips When pitching to independent markets, you want to show your ability. All things considered, your inquiry is a resume of sorts, with you demonstrating to the opposite side that you have the stuff to compose for them. Be that as it may, imagine a scenario where you have not distributed at this point. My best recommendation for this difficulty is to compose for exchange magazines to gather those first clasps. Why? Since they are increasingly intrigued by you being a specialist in a subject than being an author. My first clasps came about not on the grounds that I was an author, but since of my encounters and instructive foundation. You have that equivalent chance. My absolute first clasp was a paper in a collection about my Christmas separate. I never expressed I could compose or that Id never distributed. I just composed well and submitted. While it wasnt an exchange, it was a clasp. I could consider myself an author. Not long after, I pitched to a scene the board magazine, an exchange. My degree is in agronomy, so when a gardener went to the entryway of my recently built home, inquiring as to whether he could give me a gauge for some work, I said sure. Tragically, he began conversing with me as though I scarcely realized what earth was, talking in basic terms. I let him continue forever until at last I enlightened him concerning my degree and perhaps he could now speak intensely about what he could offer me. That evening I pitched that piece and got an acknowledgment quickly. I had a clasp. I pitched an article about awards for authors to Writers Digest. Having as of late left a vocation with the government, I comprehended where awards were and how to apply. They bought it, yet republished it a few times, paying me each time. I moved not long after and again ended up putting grass down on another yard, just it was three sections of land and required a water system framework. I pitched TURF Magazine and did a profile on the organization that introduced my framework, offering the photos also. My most youthful child battled in school, making me dim headed with stress. So I did a piece on where an undergrad could discover moral help on a school grounds for College Bound Teen. I pitched a piece to a womens business bulletin about battling the biased based impediment and persevering through an EEO case. Could it be any more obvious? Venture once again from your life and note your experience. In that lies your first clasp. Its simpler than you might suspect. Just never let them know youve never distributed, and they can exclusively concentrate on the experience you do have.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Analysis of the Various Marketing Channels Term Paper
Examination of the Various Marketing Channels - Term Paper Example For a showcasing channel to be viable, it necessitates that legitimate correspondence is adequately done to maintain a strategic distance from poor correspondence. Correspondence includes publicizing, advancements; electronic-mail, phone discussions and protests development. To have the option to plan a successful advertising channel, it is basic that the business break down client needs, set up goals and furthermore have the option to assess elective showcasing channels for their association. In the customary retail business wholesalers, merchants, retailers, and the purchasers are completely engaged with the moving procedure. Capacity and transportation is a significant part of the promoting channel and it happens at each degree of the circulation channel. It is normally encouraged by players, for example, distribution center operators and cargo bearers. Another part of the retail business includes the administrations that are given to the client and such exercises incorporate furnishing them with sufficient data, preparing them on all parts of the item, satisfying any legal and lawful prerequisites and assistance of credit administrations for the clients (Hennig-Thurau and Hansen 2000). Morrison's organization was established in 1899 by William Morrison. It started as a solitary egg and margarine slow down in Bradford, West Yorkshire. This organization is one of the biggest food retailer general stores with 375 stores. It basically manages food and staple goods. In spite of the fact that enormous, it doesn't offer its clients an internet shopping administration which is critical for the extension of the business. Likewise, it presently can't seem to wander into the monetary administrations advertise that is essentialThis Company is said to have similar costs in the entirety of its stores and this has made it win their clients faithfulness. Since it has a moderately little size and provincial core interest. It advances its very own large portion items through utilizing its Farmers, Boy, and item auxiliaries. By the utilization of the discount model, this has end up being the point of convergence in producing the organization's benefits while simultaneously, it has ke pt up low costs. The organization relies upon its own auxiliaries to give items and packagings to all its stores.T hello additionally have their own assembling office which is extraordinary to suit their market. The Morrison's organization lays its accentuation on newness, quality, provenance, in-store creation, in-season food and their demeanor of their profound comprehension of food. (Hennig-Thurau and Hansen 2000). The organization works its own assembling plant and it does its own dissemination since every one of these channels are all around coordinated. In this organization, they coordinate the retail opening times in the entirety of their stores. This chain of grocery stores likewise centers around selling new food and furthermore offers a worker rebate conspire. Special offers are utilized like deep discounted as opposed to get one get one free.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Career and Internship Fairs
Career and Internship Fairs So, Im going to talk a little bit about career and internship fairs, but I want you to remember that Im a newbie to them, despite this being my last year of college. Ive (mistakenly) waited until senior year to start attending them. Like most things in college, getting an early start never hurts. For career fairs in particular, the more you practice how to present your best self to employers and ask the right questions, the better you get. The different colleges on campus and the Career Center put on multiple career fairs, most notably the Engineering and Business Career Fairs, which are massive affairs that span over two days at the ARC and draw Fortune 500 companies, as well as smaller businesses looking to recruit University of Illinois students. Theyre called career fairs, but almost all the employers in attendance want people for full-time jobs and internships. As an English/Economics double major, Ive gone to both the Business Career Fair and the Illini Career and Internship Fair (which features nonprofit organizations, departments of the federal government, Illinois school districts looking to hire teachers, and larger corporations). Career fairs happen both in the fall and spring, but my understanding is that different companies will come at different times of the year, so its best to go to career fairs during both semesters. And how did I prepare for the career fairs Ive gone to this year? 1. I freshened up my resume, and then I had someone else review it. The English department has a career/internship advisor, so I went to her for a little resume review and a pep talk. Your department advisors, department career center, or the campus general Career Center are all great resources to visit pre-career fair. 2. I went out and bought a suit. Career fairs are the the place to dress conservatively and generically. You want to stand out because of your accomplishments, not because youre clearly underdressed. I bought a pair of nice black slacks, a blazer, black high heels, and a white button-upâ€"all on-sale or relatively inexpensive from Target, Kohls, and the Gap. I figured the outfit was an investment for future interviews/career fairs. However, the Career Center also has their Career Closet, if you dont own a suit and going out to buy one isnt feasible. You can get gently-used business attire for free! 3. I researched the companies that were going to attend and picked out a few I planned to visit. i-Link, Illinois career services website full of job postings and professional events, will let you browse employers and favorite the ones youre most interested in. All Illinois students have access to the site before (and after!) graduation. Its really overwhelming to just show up and wander around a career fair without knowing what to expect. You want to show you have knowledge about a company when you chat with a recruiter so you can impress them and prolong the conversation. When I tried on my suit, I had my roommate take a picture to send to my mom. Ultimately, I wasnt the best or smoothest career fair-attendee, but I survived. I even managed to get a full-time job interview from a company I talked to at the Business Career Fair, which Ill be going to over fall break in a few short weeks! Id say all the fuss and nervous sweat was worthwhileâ€"a statement that really sums up how I feel about all scary, adult-type things Ive had to do in college. Maggie Class of 2017 After starting my time at Illinois Undeclared in the Division of General Studies, I’m majoring in English and Economics with a minor in Informatics from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. I’m from the relatively small town of Manhattan, Illinois.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
To Legalize, or Not to Legalize Gay Marriage Essay
Since the beginning of time, Homo sapiens have discriminated against people with differences such as color of skin, religion, politics, and more. Over the years, society has changed to accept these differences, yet Americans still ostracize the gay community as if they were less than human. Currently one specific controversy comes to mind in consideration of gays, and that is gay marriage. The controversies surrounding gay marriage include the legal, religious, and philosophical problems that allowing gay marriage could cause. The United States currently does not recognize gay partnerships as legal marriages, and therefore when gay partners file for a tax refund both partners must mark single for the type of relationship. Though the†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"The analysis also determined that the cost to businesses of providing benefits like health insurance to married same-sex couples would be about $69 million over three years†(Peters). Though there is a truth to these numbers, the positive economic effects of gay marriage far outweigh the negative. The same study cited by opposition also states that the economy of New York would stand to gain $210 million in the next three years if gay marriage was legalized (Peters). When New York did legalize gay marriage the economy did improve, and more money was gained. If all of America legalizes gay marriage this would cause a huge marriage boom. With this marriage boom, massive amounts of money would pour into the economy. Countered with all the negative expenses of legalizing gay marriage, e.g. health care, social security, etc., the net profit would be close to one billion dollars in the next ten years (Dickler). Money is not the only factor though. Legally gay couples have no rights to grant medical permission for one another in the case of an emergency. If one partner was in a medical emergency, the other partner could not sign off on any life-saving procedure because they are neither family no r married. In 1996, the United States ratified the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). This bill states that marriage is only between a man and a woman, and that even if one state allows gay marriage no other state is forced toShow MoreRelatedLegalize Gay Marriage Essay1495 Words  | 6 PagesSame-Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized Just about everyone has an opinion on legally allowing same-sex couples to marry. The arguments range from personal beliefs to what marriage is said to be in the Bible. Why should a couple be forbidden from showing each other along with family and friends that they are fully committed to each other? What place is it for the government to say that said couple is not allowed to commit to the one who truly makes you happy? Why should these people who are willingRead MoreEssay about Lets Legalize Gay Marriage872 Words  | 4 PagesLet’s Legalize Gay Marriage Gay marriage is a right. Heterosexual couples are allowed to enjoy all the marriage benefits, so why shouldn’t same-sex couples be able to? Why should other people be able to choose who marries who? If a man and a woman get married, no one seems to care. Gay marriage should be legal because it’s an issue of equal rights, it would save society money, and it will increase the chances for foster children to be adopted into loving families. Same-sex marriage is an issueRead MoreLet Us Legalize Gay Marriage Essay881 Words  | 4 Pages Or is it? When the topic of Gay Marriage arises in conversation, the main Anti-Gay point would be that the Bible does not agree with it. [Jones, Michael] Last time I checked, and according to the first amendment, the Bible has no standing power in American law. [Why Would We?] Therefore, the people of the United States should vote Yes on legalizing Gay Marriage. People are being harmed, people are being discriminated against, and by opposing Gay Marriage you are essentially condoning fellowRead MoreWhy Should We Legalize Gay Marriage?811 Words  | 4 PagesWhy should we legalize gay marriage? Or, in other words, why isnt gay marriage legalized already? Same-sex marriage is just about as humane as opposite-sex marriage. One in ten people are gay. Seems perfectly normal to me. Is it normal to you? And anyway, why dont people like two gays marrying? Lets start out with the facts. The evidence. The nitty-gritty of all this debate. One out of ten people are gay or lesbian. So theres about twenty-eight people in this class, am I right? So thats atRead MoreGay Marriage: Why Should We Legalize It? Essay1284 Words  | 6 PagesGay Marriage: Why Should We Legalize It? Gay marriage tends to spark many different opinions in the hearts and minds of the citizens of this great nation. This political issue is usually one that would spark a heated debate between even the closest of friends. The subject description typically spurs intense hatred and anger, even. You would more than likely witness numerous signs picketing this issue whether it may be a revised Bible quote deeming it a sin or a sign decked out in the many colorsRead Moreâ€Å"Same-Sex Marriage Should Not Be Legalized†Essay982 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"Same-Sex Marriage Should Not Be Legalized†. July 18th 2012. Same-Sex Marriage Should Not Be Legalized. As we know, same-sex marriage has been discussed and argued for a long time. Within the controversial topic of gay rights, there’s no area more controversial than same-sex marriage. And all of us ask ourselves if same-sex marriage should be legal or not. But the fact is that we have to start thinking about it as a moral and religious topic. The government shouldn’t legalize the same-sexRead MoreSame-Sex Marriage Must Remain Legal Essay examples1271 Words  | 6 Pagesfive years same-sex marriage has become one of the most controversial issues in the United States, many social activist strive to aid homosexuals and their fight to legalize same-sex marriage. Marriage is a fundamental right not a privilege. Gay men and women should not be discriminated against based on their sexuality. Marriage is a sacred bond between two people that love each other no matter the sex, race, or religion. Everyday homosexuals are treated unfairly; most were born gay and cannot helpRead MoreSame-Sex Marriage Issues Controversies Essay example1180 Words  | 5 Pagesnamed gay marriage â€Å"one of the key struggles of our time†. According to the website â€Å"ProCon.org†as of January 6th 2014, 17 states have taken the plunge and legalized same-sex marriage. Marriage is â€Å"one of the basic civil rights of man†. Yet, we are still waiting on 66% of our nation to do the right thing and legalize gay marriage. The ban on gay marriage has deprived gay, lesbian, and bisexuals of many benefits that come with being married. Also, it has been proved that banning gay marriage createdRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal in All States1390 Words  | 5 PagesSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal in All States When you see the word marriage, what do you see or think of? Majorities of Americans will see a man and a woman together. That’s because it is a tradition that marriage is between a man and a woman. Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone could marry the love of their life? Unfortunately, same sex marriage is banned in thirty-two states and only legalized in eighteen states. So why can’t gay and lesbian couples marry each other? Same sex marriage is protectedRead More Against Legalizing Homosexual Marriages Essay1293 Words  | 6 PagesAgainst Legalizing Homosexual Marriages The legalized marriage of individuals with the same gender is drawing more attention these days. When asked, most people want to avoid the subject of homosexuality altogether or they have a very strong opinion on it. The debate over whether the United States should allow homosexual couples to marry legally is giving rise to a new social dilemma in our country. This question has courtrooms nervous, churches wavering and equal rights activists angry. Courtrooms
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Issues Regarding Corporate Governance Of Companies
Issues regarding corporate governance of companies are growing in importance. Corporate governance involves ‘the system of rules, practices and processes by which a company is directed and controlled’ (Investopedia, 2014). A company should treat all its stakeholders with respect and integrity. A controversial branch of governance is the extent to which executives gain compensation. This may or may not reflect their performance or be within the best interests of their shareholders; who are the owners of the company. Since the formation of the limited company, whereby management is separated from ownership an agency problem has emerged, as executives and other directors’ aims may not be in line with shareholders’ interests. Different†¦show more content†¦They highlight the arm’s length contracting view, recognising that executives do not automatically serve their shareholders, while directors can be relied on by shareholders. However, t his has not always been so. It was stated that independent directors who were generous with the CEO, might reasonably expect the CEO to use their bully pulpit to support higher director compensation (Bebchuck and Fried, 2002 p30). It seems feasible that agreements which benefit top executives and other directors at the same time could occur; with shareholders ultimately losing out. Psychological factors can also influence independent director’s decisions. Bebchuck and Fried (2002) highlighted that many had some prior connection to the CEO or other senior executives, and even suggested that independent directors that did not know the CEO may begin with a sense of obligation and loyalty (p31). It could therefore be that an independent board members incentives are inclined at the start towards favoring executives. This could overshadow the rewards shareholders gain when the company is performing well or equally when the company is under performing, whereby executives could exploit gains independently of performance. The authors hold strong credentials with Bebchuck being a director of corporate governance program at Harvard Law School, and Freid being a professor of law. Although they are American authors,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Impact Of Cyber Security On Cloud - 1580 Words
INTRODUCTION Cyber security on Cloud is a developing worldview of processing that replaces computing so as to register as an individual thing as an open utility. In that capacity, it offers every one of the upsides of an open utility framework, regarding economy of scale, adaptability, comfort however it raises real issues, not minimum of which are: loss of control and loss of security. In this paper, we investigate a client focused measure of digital security, and perceive how this measure can be utilized to break down distributed computing as a plan of action. The greatest pattern in cybersecurity is that IT pioneers are losing control of their innovation. It s a pattern that decimates how security has customarily functioned and it can t be halted, said John Pescatore, chief of developing security patterns at the SANS Institute. Some time ago representatives utilized only considered gear and programming, yet weight from staff individuals who need to convey their own gadgets to the workplace is changing that worldview. Besides, and capacity that used to be secured up office server farms are rapidly moving to the cloud. Also, security experts are as yet attempting to get up to speed. Cyber Security on Cloud project make sure that there is a proper encryption to the data stored on the cloud by certain algorithms. PROJECT MANAGEMENT APPROACH For this venture, the Project Manager will be in charge of extension administration. The Scope explanation and Work BreakdownShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Legislation On State Of Maryland1210 Words  | 5 PagesImpact of Legislation on State of Maryland 1. Introduction. The purpose of this paper is to research and evaluate the legislative drivers for information security programs of State of Maryland in order to improve the information security policy to prevent loss of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of agency operations, organizational assets or individuals with new amendments in legislation. This paper elaborates the objectives of five proposals that would impact the information securityRead MoreCyber Security : A New Form Of Crime1594 Words  | 7 Pages Cyber Security is considered to be one of the hot topics in modern era. It is a national security challenge that the United States and other countries face today. Cyber Security is an important factor to be considered if one is to be able to protect oneself from malicious people and software from the internet. While the Internet has been providing immense opportunities to individuals, organizations, and nations in diverse areas, at the same time it has also given birth to a new form of crime – cybercrimeRead MoreImplementing The Network s Security873 Words  | 4 Pagesorganization need to take a proactive approach to the network s security. This strategy of safeguarding the network as well as the patient data, such as scanning and social engineering should be mandatory as opposed to best practices. As the case study shows a major breach had a drastic impact on the healthcare organization and efforts should have been made ahead of time to prevent disaster. Organizations sho uld understand security and risk budgeting and learn how to gain support from the board levelRead MoreCloud Computing Essay1317 Words  | 6 Pagessystem. The term cloud computing refers to the offering of such services over the internet. Many companies charge money for their offered cloud services while others don’t. Cyber-forensic investigations have been affected by cloud computing since the beginning of the cloud. Computer Forensics is based on the investigation of crimes or policy breaches that are done through the examination of electronics and computers and other storage devices. This paper seeks to access the impact of cloud computing andRead MoreAnalysis Of Cloud Computing And Cyber Security1695 Words  | 7 Pages CLOUD COMPUTING AND NETWORK SECURITY ISSUES(Z5140305) Executive Summary In this fast-paced technology era, organizations are always looking for new innovative ways to increase productivity and efficiency. One emerging technology adopted by many organisations is cloud computing. Cloud computing is a model that uses internet and remote servers for maintaining data and applications (Association of Modern Technologies Professionals 2017). It replaces expensive infrastructure and need of maintenanceRead MoreThe Impact Of Cloud Computing And Storage On Cyber-Forensic Investigations1311 Words  | 6 Pagesterm cloud computing refers to the offering of such services over the internet. Many companies offer cloud services and in turn charge for the service that they offer, while others don’t. Cyber-forensic investigations have been affected by cloud computing since the beginning of the cloud. Computer Forensics is based on the investigation of crimes or policy breaches that are done through the examination of electronics and computers and other storage d evices. This paper seeks to access the impact ofRead MoreA New Cyber Security Initiative For The Army Materiel Command1678 Words  | 7 PagesIn 2003, I was recruited to set up and lead a new cyber security initiative for the Army Materiel Command (AMC), a 53 Billion dollar year logistics command that serves as the army version of amazon for the army’s current inventory of weapons, supplies and vehicles. AMC, at this time, had over a 100k workforce spread across 140 locations worldwide. During this timeframe, the Department of Defense was still trying to define Cyber Security and mature the process they had in place. DOD was a large targetRead MoreToday, Real Life And Online Activities Have Become Indistinguishable1733 Words  | 7 Pagesthe sheer volume and acceleration of cyber threats. As the rate of security breaches continues to increase, so does the variety of attacks, and the technologies and processes deployed to prevent them. After a thorough research, I identified several trends in cyber security industry. This paper discusses three cyber security trends in the industry. The trend discussed is Greater need of cyber security professionals. A global study published by Intel Security and the Centre for Strategic and InternationalRead MoreThe Importance Of Cloud Computing1745 Words  | 7 PagesMisuse of Cloud Computing Resource 3.Data breaches 3.1 Malicious Insider 3.2 Online Cyber Theft 3.3 Cloud Security Attacks 3.3.1 Malware Injection Attack 3.3.2 Wrapper Attack 4. Countermeasures 4.1 Security Policy Enhancement 4.2 Access Management 4.3 Data Protection 4.4 Security Techniques Implementation 5. Conclusion Abstract Cloud Computing is collaborative, less expensive, and has gain an upper hand in the industry today through the use of the internet. However, cloud ComputingRead MorePrivacy Risks Of Cloud Computing1532 Words  | 7 PagesPrivacy Risks in Cloud Computing While Cloud administrations offers adaptability, versatility and economies of scale, there have been equivalent worries about security. As more information moves from midway found server capacity to the Cloud, the potential for individual and private information to be traded off will increase. Accessibility and trustworthiness of information are in danger if suitable measures are not put set up preceding selecting a Cloud seller or executing your own cloud and moving to
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Operating Lease And Type Of Agreement †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Operating Lease And Type Of Agreement. Answer: Introduction An operating lease is a contractual relationship between a renting company and the owner of the property, whereby the renting business obtains the right to use a property and in return make a monthly rental payment, (Giner Pardo, 2017, p. 1886). In this type of agreement, the lessee does not obtain the title of ownership of the property. Changes expected in control of the fleet Maintenance of depreciation schedule. In a lease agreement, the company does not own the property. Therefore, the company is not entitled to record the depreciation expense on its balance sheet. The residual value of the property is also transferred to the owner at the end of the lease agreement, and the maintenance and control of the depreciation schedule are done by the lessor, (McGraw, 2015). Payment of the initial cost The initial cost experienced by the company is a factor expected to change with the case of leasing the vehicles. During buying, in which the company has the full ownership of the fleet, the cost revolves around either complete purchase or payment of the deposit, (Akbulut, 2017, p. 4). However, with leasing, the lessee only makes a down payment, followed by a monthly rental fee. Mileage control A change in mileage control is highly anticipated for in case of changing the control of the fleet. In a purchase which translates to full ownership of the fleet, there are no mileage limits, (Cotei Farhat, 2016, p. 175). The opposite is exact in leasing, a case in which there are mileage limits and exceeding such leads to extra cost by the company. Wear and tear allowance claim When the company buys and maintains its fleet, then it will maintain a depreciation schedule, (McGraw, 2015). It will also be able to claim wear and tear deductions. However, in an operating; lease, the ownership of the car remains with the lessor. Hence the renting company may not be able to claim any capital deductions. Change in ownership In a lease agreement, after the contract, the vehicles are either returned to the dealer or bought as per the agreement, (Akbulut, 2017, p. 6). The renting firm may also renew the contract. This is different from the ownership case whereby the company decides what to do with the fleet. Change in management concentration In a car hire program, the lessee may not be responsible for servicing and maintaining the car, (McGraw, 2015). This makes the management to concentrate on other administrative divisions. Therefore, the administration would not spend resources and time in maintaining and servicing the rented car. Response to changes in market conditions With the new model of leasing, the company shall be more flexible to meet various market changes. The company might shift to any dealer after the expiration of an existing contract, (Akbulut, 2017, p. 7). This would enable the firm to adopt contracts with fair prices. Response to changes in staff requirements Whenever a contract expires, a company may not be willing to renew the contract, but rather develop new contacts with other companies, (Akbulut, 2017, p. 7). The company may also change its staff composition by employing new drivers with more skills. References. Akbulut, D.H., 2017. The Effects of Operating Leases Capitalization on Financial Statements and Accounting Ratios: A Literature Survey. In Regional Studies in Economic Growth, Financial Economics and Management, pp. 3-10. Cotei, C. Farhat, J., 2016. The Leasing Decisions of Startup Firms. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, p.175. Giner, B. Pardo, F., 2017. Operating Lease Decision and the Impact of Capitalization in a Bank-oriented Country. Applied Economics, 49(19), pp.1886-1900. McGraw, S., 2015. Car Leasing vs. Buying, Which is Better?. [Online] Available at: https://www.arnoldclark.com/newsroom/676-car-leasing-vs-buying-which-is-better [Accessed 30 October 2017].
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